Feel the history
Belenos Alojamientos is located in two traditional stone and wood houses which, together with all their related auxiliary elements, form part of the Cultural Heritage of LLanes. It is estimated that they were built around 1890 and have a clear historical and cultural interest, as an authentic and complete example of the typical physinomy of the house between spurs.
Although we have renovated them, their structure and external appearance has been preserved exactly the same as it has been for over 100 years, and the construction techniques used have been the same as those used in the past.

Our houses conserve all the necessary attributes to express their primitive function and use, exhibiting and being authentic examples of local tradition, capable of showing their value within a contextualised environment, the village of Niembro, which allows us to see their significance and cultural importance and to understand part of the history of the council of Llanes.
We are part of the Cultural Heritage of the Council of Llanes. We are very proud of this, and we want to share it with you.

Although my eyes no longer
can see that pure flash
That in my youth I was dazzled
Although nothing can be done
return the hour of splendor on the grass,
of glory in flowers,
we should not grieve
why beauty always subsists in the memory.
William Wordsworth